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    Products 17666
    AGUILERA™ Alarm Push Button with Self-Check [AE/V-PSAT]
    AGUILERA™ Alarm Push Button with Self-Check
    Ref.: AE/V-PSAT
    Developped and made by AGUILERA™ Electrónica in accodance with EN54-11 standard. Equipped with: Micro-switch, Alarm and Self-Check LED, verification system with reset key, plastic plate calibrated to be located and don"t break. Push button with protection cover. Placed in ABS box. Certified CE emitted by LPCB. Dimensions: 98 x 95 x 39 mm.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ Algorithmic Detector Base with Sounder + Spotlight [ AE/SA-ASG3]
    AGUILERA™ Algorithmic Detector Base with Sounder + Spotlight
    Ref.: AE/SA-ASG3
    Base for algorithmic detector equipped with siren and low consumption light bulb. The siren and the focus are powered at 24 Vdc from a monitored output module of the algorithmic control unit. The detector is connected to the socket's own connectors. Maximum consumption 10 mA. Sound level 90 dB (A).
    V.A.T. included
    163.66 €
    AGUILERA™ Algorithmic Detector Base with Sounder [ AE/SA-ASG3S]
    AGUILERA™ Algorithmic Detector Base with Sounder
    Ref.: AE/SA-ASG3S
    Base for algorithmic detector equipped with siren. The siren is powered at 24 Vdc from a monitored output module of the algorithmic panel. The detector is connected to the socket's own connectors. Maximum consumption 5 mA. Sound level 90 dB (A).
    V.A.T. included
    83.25 €
    AGUILERA™ Algorithmic Sounder [AE/SA-AS1]
    AGUILERA™ Algorithmic Sounder
    Ref.: AE/SA-AS1
    Low consumption multi-tone sounder. Certified in accordance with EN54-3. Consumption between 6 and 33mA, in function of the tone. Sound power: 102dB (Tone3). Dimensions: Ø 93 mm, Height: 63mm. Includes high base. Includes a microprocessed module for its direct integration in the algorithmic loop.
    V.A.T. included
    87.16 €
    AGUILERA™ Assistance System for People with Disabilities [AE/DDA]
    AGUILERA™ Assistance System for People with Disabilities
    Ref.: AE/DDA
    Warning and assistance system for disabled people. It is a 2-wire system, which consists of a warning button with double handle, acoustic and luminous indicator, reset button and power supply, allows, through an algorithmic module, its integration in the SA series fire panels from AGUILERA® Electrónica.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ Base for Tube [AE/V-BA]
    AGUILERA™ Base for Tube
    Ref.: AE/V-BA
    Universal additional base for spaces with a high level of humidity, Appropriate for practically all market detector bases. ABS robust modele, white color. Extremely watertight and powder repellent.
    V.A.T. included
    17.61 €
    AGUILERA™ Communication Module [AE/SA-RS]
    AGUILERA™ Communication Module
    Ref.: AE/SA-RS
    Communication module necessary to integrate SA serie panels in AE2NET panels network.
    V.A.T. included
    56.16 €
    AGUILERA™ Communications Interface [AE/C5-IDC]
    AGUILERA™ Communications Interface
    Ref.: AE/C5-IDC
    Interface board to integrate AE/C5-8-16 and AE/C5-8P panels in AGE44 remote control program. Integration realized through TCP/IP. This board its connected into the controlled panel.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ Communications Interface [AE/SA-IDC]
    AGUILERA™ Communications Interface
    Ref.: AE/SA-IDC
    Multiprotocol module that allows the integration of AGUILERA™ ELECTRÓNICA algorithmic panels in differents control systems. protocols supported: Modbus/RTU, N2 Metasys, AGUILERA™ Electrónica and ESPA 4.4.4. Dispose of the following interfaces: RS232, RS485, RS485/ARCNET for AE2NET network connection. Dimensions: 105x75x30mm.
    V.A.T. included
    415.03 €
    AGUILERA™ Control Signal Module with 2 Inputs [AE/SA-2E]
    AGUILERA™ Control Signal Module with 2 Inputs
    Ref.: AE/SA-2E
    Directionable microprocessed unit made by AGUILERA™ ELECTRÓNICA according to EN 54-18, that manage the information of two digital inputs. Suitable for personalize two equipments, define their location and the status changes in each of them. Allows the independent control in each input and its contacts are selectable normally open or nomally close. Dispose of the same features than AE/SA-8E modele.
    V.A.T. included
    52.77 €
    AGUILERA™ Direction Programmer with 9V Alkaline Battery [AE/SA-PRG]
    AGUILERA™ Direction Programmer with 9V Alkaline Battery
    Ref.: AE/SA-PRG
    Portable device to program the number of idendification code of each algorithm that allows to: Record the address of the equipment , read the stored adress, inhibit/authorize individually the LED flash of the device. The programmation process is individual for each device and can be done from the algorithm central.
    V.A.T. included
    128.07 €
    AGUILERA™ Electronic Sounder with Focus EN 54-23 [AE/V-ASFLXW]
    AGUILERA™ Electronic Sounder with Focus EN 54-23
    Ref.: AE/V-ASFLXW
    Multi-tone sounder with focus, certified EN54-3 and EN54-23 for wall mounting. Type W-2.4-7.5. Maximum installation height 2.4m, Lenght coverage 7.5m. LED technology that ensure a light intensity at 0.4lux/m2 in all areas. Sound power 102dB (A). Maximum consumption 37mA. IP65 Protection.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ Electronic Sounder with Focus [AE/V-ASF1SB]
    AGUILERA™ Electronic Sounder with Focus
    Ref.: AE/V-ASF1SB
    Sounder with multi-tone focus without base. Certified in accordance with EN54-3. Dimensions: Ø 93 mm. Height: 80mm. Sound power; 100dB (Tone 3). Light intensisty: > 0,5Cd. Consumption: 25mA. Protection: IP54 (With low base) IP65 (With high base).
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ Electronic Sounder [AE/V-AS1SB]
    AGUILERA™ Electronic Sounder
    Ref.: AE/V-AS1SB
    Low consumption multi-tone sounder without base. Certified in accordance with EN54-3. Consumption between 6 and 33mA, in function of the tone. Dimensions: Ø 93 mm, Height: 63mm. Sound power: 102dB (Tone 3). Protection: IP54 (With low base) IP65 (With high base).
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ Emergency Push Button [AE/V-PE]
    AGUILERA™ Emergency Push Button
    Ref.: AE/V-PE
    Evacuation push button design for installation in emergency exit. Green color. Indoor use. Equipped with: Micro-switch, verification system with reset key, transparent methacrylate protection cover, Contacts normally open NA, commun C and normally closed NC and plastic plate calibrated to be located and don´t break. Placed in ABS box of 98 x 98 x 50 mm.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ EN54-23 Flash for Ceiling Mounting [AE/V-AFLXC1]
    AGUILERA™ EN54-23 Flash for Ceiling Mounting
    Ref.: AE/V-AFLXC1
    Flash certificated EN54-23 for roof mounting. Type C-3-7.5. Maximum installation height 3m, Lenght coverage 7,5m LED technology that ensure luminous intensity 0.4lux/m2 in all the area. Flash frequency selectionable between 1Hz and 0.5Hz. Maximum consumption 25mA. IP65 with highbase.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ EN54-23 Flash for Ceiling Mounting [AE/V-AFLXC]
    AGUILERA™ EN54-23 Flash for Ceiling Mounting
    Ref.: AE/V-AFLXC
    Flash certificated EN54-23 for roof mounting. Type C-3-7.5. Maximum installation height 3m, Lenght coverage 7,5m LED technology that ensure luminous intensity 0.4lux/m2 in all the area. Flash frequency selectionable between 1Hz and 0.5Hz. Maximum consumption 25mA. IP33 with low base.
    V.A.T. included
    AGUILERA™ EN54-23 Flash for Wall Mounting [AE/V-AFLXW2]
    AGUILERA™ EN54-23 Flash for Wall Mounting
    Ref.: AE/V-AFLXW2
    Flash certificated EN54-23 for wall mounting. Type W-2.4-7.5. Maximum installation height 2,4m. Length coverage 7.5m. LED technology that ensure luminous intensity 0.4lux/m2 in all the area. Flash frequency selectionable between 1Hz and 0.5Hz. Maximum consumption 25mA. IP33 with low base.
    V.A.T. included
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