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    On-Mobile Android Version of the VAXTOR® ALPR Engine License

    Reference: VALPR-ON-MOBILE
    The license allows the connection with the Helix-6™ server (pre-existing), for management processes. The App transmits to Helix-6™ the image of the capture, together with the OCR of the recognized license plate and the geo-positioning information. This SDK is available for key partners who may want to develop their own Android App in order to gain a significant market advantage. VAXTOR® has also developed a fully working App which works both in synchronous and asynchronous modes and the source code for this will be available free-of-charge in order to reduce our partners’ development times. The App will run on a typical smartphone such as the Samsung Galaxy S9 at the same speed as that of an Intel i7 with an OCR accuracy rate in excess of 99%. Uses include: (1) ALPR Car Park Auditing; (2) ALPR Police / Warden Checking; (3) Queue Busting; (4) Congestion Charge / Clean Air Zone Checking & Enforcement; (5) Police or Bailiff Drive-Past Vehicle Checking; (6) Event Security; (7) Domestic Use.
    Produced on Request


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