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    Products 80
    Paquete de 10 Empalmes para Tubería de Muestreo V0//Pack of 10 Splices for V0 Sampling Tube
    Pack of 10 Splices for V0 Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-EMP-V0
    Connection between two tubes of 25mm extern diameter. 10 units. V0 Flame retardant material.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Curvas de 45º para Tubería de Muestreo ABS//Pack of 5 Curves at 45º for ABS Sampling Tube
    Pack of 5 Curves at 45º for ABS Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-C45
    45º Bend for tubes of 25mm of extern diameter. 5 units. ABS material (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), halogen free.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Curvas de 45º para Tubería de Muestreo V0//Pack of 5 Curves at 45º for V0 Sampling Tube
    Pack of 5 Curves at 45º for V0 Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-C45-V0
    45º Bend for tubes of 25mm of extern diameter. 5 units. V0 Flame retardant material.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Curvas de 90º para Tubería de Muestreo ABS//Pack of 5 Curves at 90º for ABS Sampling Tube
    Pack of 5 Curves at 90º for ABS Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-C90
    90º Bend for tubes of 25mm of extern diameter. 5 units. ABS material (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), halogen free.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Curvas de 90º para Tubería de Muestreo V0//Pack of 5 Curves at 90º for V0 Sampling Tube
    Pack of 5 Curves at 90º for V0 Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-C90-V0
    90º Bend for tubes of 25mm of extern diameter. 5 units. V0 Flame retardant material.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 kits de 8 Puntos de Muestreo Blanco//Pack of 5 kits of 8 White Sampling Points
    Pack of 5 kits of 8 White Sampling Points
    Ref.: 520-MTS-80B
    Kit of 8 sampling point with diameter of 2; 2,5; 3; 3,5; 4; 4,5, 5 and 6 mm. ABS material in white color.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Puntos de Muestreo para Tubo Capilar//Pack of 5 Sampling point for Capillary Tube
    Pack of 5 Sampling point for Capillary Tube
    Ref.: 520-FIN
    Sampling point for capilary tubes. 5 units.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Tapones Finales para Tubería de Muestreo ABS//Pack of 5 Final plugs for ABS Sampling Tube
    Pack of 5 Final plugs for ABS Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-TAP
    End cap for 25mm extern diameter tubes. 5 units in ABS material (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), halogen free.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 5 Tapones Finales para Tubería de Muestreo V0//Pack of 5 Final plugs for V0 Sampling Tube
    Pack of 5 Final plugs for V0 Sampling Tube
    Ref.: 530-TAP-V0
    End cap for 25mm extern diameter tubes. 5 Units. V0 Flame retardant material (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), halogen free.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 50 Abrazaderas para Tuberías de Muestreo ABS//Pack of 50 Clamps for ABS Sampling Tubes
    Pack of 50 Clamps for ABS Sampling Tubes
    Ref.: 530-ABR
    Tubes retaining clamp. 50 units. V0 flame retardant material.
    V.A.T. included
    Paquete de 50 Abrazaderas para Tuberías de Muestreo V0//Pack of 50 Clamps for V0 Sampling Tubes
    Pack of 50 Clamps for V0 Sampling Tubes
    Ref.: 530-ABR-V0
    Tubes retaining clamp. 50 Units. ABS material (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), halogen free.
    V.A.T. included
    Pasatubo RF-120//RF-120 Pass Tube
    RF-120 Pass Tube
    Ref.: PIP-020
    Intumescent pass tube 120min fire resistant.
    V.A.T. included
    Punto de Muestreo Capilar con Empalme Tipo T//Capillary Sampling Point with T type Connection
    Capillary Sampling Point with T type Connection
    Ref.: 510-KIT
    Capillary sampling point composed of 1 meter long flexible nylon tube, 10mm of extern diameter and 8mm of intern diameter, support for suspended ceiling and T connection to connect to aspiration pipe network. Ideal for supending ceiling mounting. Includes 520-MTS-80B.
    V.A.T. included
    Punto de Muestreo Capilar//Capillary Sampling Point
    Capillary Sampling Point
    Ref.: 510-FIN
    Capillary sampling point composed of 1 meter long flexible nylon tube, 10mm of extern diameter and 8mm of intern diameter, support for suspended ceiling and T connection to connect to aspiration pipe network. Ideal for supending ceiling mounting. Includes 520-MTS-80B.
    V.A.T. included
    Recambio de Filtro en Línea de Color Rojo VESDA (Pack de 20 Uds.)//Red VESDA Inline Filter Replacement (Pack of 20 Units)
    Red VESDA Inline Filter Replacement (Pack of 20 Units)
    Ref.: VSP-855-20
    In-line spare filter. Pack: 20 Units. Spare filters for NOTIFIER® FAAST™ VSP-850-R devices.
    V.A.T. included
    Recambio de Filtro en Línea de Color Rojo VESDA (Pack de 4 Uds.)//Red VESDA Inline Filter Replacement (Pack of 4 Units)
    Red VESDA Inline Filter Replacement (Pack of 4 Units)
    Ref.: VSP-855-4
    In-line spare filter. Pack: 4 units. Spare filters for NOTIFIER® FAAST™ VSP-850-R devices.
    V.A.T. included
    Recambio de Filtro para Detectores VESDA//Filter Replacement for VESDA Detectors
    Filter Replacement for VESDA Detectors
    Ref.: VSP-005
    Replacement double stage dust filter for Vesda aspirating detectors of the LaserFocus, LaserCompact, LaserPlus and LaserScanner series.
    V.A.T. included
    Refrigerator Chamber Kit for XTRALIS™ Vesda-E™ [VSP-860]
    Refrigerator Chamber Kit for XTRALIS™ Vesda-E™
    Ref.: VSP-860
    Kit for cold rooms complete with fixing flanges, flexible hose, opening joint and restrictive disk with hole (not included 25 mm T).
    V.A.T. included
    Rollo de 100 Metros de Tubo Capilar//100 Meter Reel of  Capillary Tube
    100 Meter Reel of Capillary Tube
    Ref.: 520-TUB
    Roll of 100 meters of nylon capilary tubes of 10mm extern diameter and 8mm intern diameter.
    V.A.T. included
    Trafo XTRALIS™ para Prueba de Quemado//XTRALIS™ Test Transformer
    XTRALIS™ Test Transformer
    Ref.: VTT-10000-EUR
    Xtralis Test Transformer VTT-10000 (previously known as the Hot Wire Test – Power Supply Unit (PSU)) is a tool used to test very early warning aspirated smoke detection equipment. The unit generates a high current that passes through a test cable in order to heat it, which in turn causes its insulation to burn giving off smoke. The maximum operating time for the unit is three minutes and then it must be left immediately to cool it off for a period of at least seven minutes.
    V.A.T. included
    Tubo Flexible con Protección V0 para Instalaciones de Aspiración//Flexible Tube with V0 Protection for Aspiration installations
    Flexible Tube with V0 Protection for Aspiration installations
    Ref.: 530-FLEX
    50cm flexible tube in red ABS and V0 protection.
    V.A.T. included
    XTRALIS™ ICAM™ Industrial Laser 1 Channel Aspiration System (282 m) [IFT-PT]
    XTRALIS™ ICAM™ Industrial Laser 1 Channel Aspiration System (282 m)
    Ref.: IFT-PT
    "The ICAM IFT-P detector is an air sampling system with an alarm sensitivity range of 0.01% to 20% Obs / m (obscuration per meter). It has been classified as a ""very early warning smoke detector"" capable of effectively detecting early stage fires, and different concentrations of smoke, on surfaces up to 2000 m2."
    V.A.T. included
    XTRALIS™ Vesda-E™ Detector Filter (20 pcs.) [VSP-962-20]
    XTRALIS™ Vesda-E™ Detector Filter (20 pcs.)
    Ref.: VSP-962-20
    VESDA-E detector filter. Pack of 20 units.
    V.A.T. included
    XTRALIS™ Vesda-E™ Detector Filter [VSP-962]
    XTRALIS™ Vesda-E™ Detector Filter
    Ref.: VSP-962
    VESDA-E detector filter.
    V.A.T. included
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