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    AGUILERA™ Control Signal Module with 8 Inputs

    Reference: AE/SA-8E
    Directionable microprocessed unit made by AGUILERA™ ELECTRÓNICA in accordance with EN 54-18:2003 that manage the information of eight digitals inputs. With capacity to personalize up to eight devices, identify its location and inform about status changes generated by each of them. Every input can be selected for open or close contact. Provided with a self insulator that isolates the rest of the installation in case of intern short circuit. 2 Wires connection with removable terminal blocks. Power supply: Between 18 and 27VDC. Consumption: 1,1mA in Standby and 1,3mA with eight activated inputs. Mounted in ABS box of 105 x 82 x 25mm.
    Produced on Request

    V.A.T. included

    62.25 €

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