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    eAdvance™ (web pre-registration) per Web Server

    Reference: EL-98000-EADV10
    eAdvance™ is a web-based application that allows authorized employees to pre-register visitors through a simple web browser form on theirown computer. The customer has full control over which employees are granted access to eAdvance™, and whether the registrations entered by certain employees need to be approved by someone else in the company before being added to the SVM™ database. eAdvance™ is sold as an enterprise license customers only need 1 copy regardless of how many SVM™ stations they deploy or how many employees they have. eAdvance™ is installed on a web server running Microsoft™ IIS. For customers that do not have their own web server, EasyLobby™ provides a hosting service for an annual fee.
    Produced on Request


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