65W Switched power supply at 24VDC monitored by microprocessor. Its composed by a power source, a control/signalling circuit and a metal cabine with capacity to host batteries up to 17Ah, except 10-12Ah batteries. Includes 10 LEDs for status indications in the front and 7 intern LEDs that expend the information about system faillures. With 2 output circuits (2 x 1.10 Amp), can be switched into only one (1 x 2.20 Amp), protected against short-circuit through electronic fuses. Consist of manual and automatic batteries test, ground derivation monitoring and relay circuit for system fault. Each source requires 2 batteries with 12VDC output with the necessary capacity for each case. Compatible batteries: 12V/ 7Ah-17Ah Lead-Acid with ri < 700 mOhm. Batteries not included.