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    HID® Mobile Access™ - Annual ID (Upgrade)

    Reference: MID-SUB-T100-ADD
    Secure Mobile IDs for Smart Devices for a maximum of 1 year. Over-the-air communication with session based keys secured by AES 128/SHA-256. Mobile IDs are signed and encrypted using AES 128. From devices with Android 4.3+ using Bluetooth® Smart, Android 4.4+ or iOS 7.0+ using Bluetooth® Smart (i.e.: from iPhone® 4S). Annual price per ID (recoverable), associated to a user, but recoverable to be associated to another when the original ends the period of use into the facilities. Minimum order quantity is 20 credentials. FOR SUBSCRIPTION ALREADY EXISTING.
    In Stock
    *This product has a minimum order of 20 units.
    When you press the button 'add to cart' will be added 20 units of this product.

    V.A.T. included

    5.35 €

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