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    Standgas™ Standalone Detector PRO LCD EXP for Hydrocarbons with Relay [SPLN-HCrLE]
    Standgas™ Standalone Detector PRO LCD EXP for Hydrocarbons with Relay
    Ref.: SPLN-HCrLE
    Independent catalytic technology detector for the detection of explosive gases. Independent functioning, does not require central. There is a new independent version with RS485 addressable communication compatible with DURGAS™ centrals (from the v04 DURGAS™ version). Allows to programe the type of gas, prealarm level, alarm level, initial state of the manoeuvre output, type of rearming manual or automatic, rearming timing, activation or non activation of the internal acoustics and possibility of inhibiting the sensor to avoid inappropriate manoeuvres in case of breakout. Calibrated in factory with span gas. No need to recalibrate in the initial set up. Resistant to silicone vapours (HDMS). Independent version RS485: Specially recommended for its use in laboratories or compartimentalized areas which, apart from its local use, need a control and making manoeuvres and remotely informing about its state. Up to 8 units per area can be connected, maintaining its compatibility with the rest of the gases.
    V.A.T. included
    415.03 €
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) [EUDT-SO2]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
    Ref.: EUDT-SO2
    RS485 Detector by electrochemical sensor for sulphur dioxide detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, SIEDEGAS, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: Paper industries, steel mill, chemical industry, domestic boilers and food processes. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    825.32 €
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Chlorine (CL2) [EUDT-CL2]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Chlorine (CL2)
    Ref.: EUDT-CL2
    RS485 Detector by electrochimical sensor for Chlorine detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, SIEDEGAS, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: Chemical industry, paper industry, pools, water treatment and cooling. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) [EUDT--NO]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Nitrogen Monoxide (NO)
    Ref.: EUDT--NO
    RS485 Detectory by electrochimical sensor for nitrogen monoxide detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, SIEDEGAS, EUROSONDELCO y SIEMENS CC62P. Nitrogen monoxide is a colorless gas which is formed by a combination of oxygen and nitogen at high temperature. Generated through combustion processes, motors, domestic boilers, incinerators, mining sites, etc... Its one of the main source of urban pollution. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    1,407.54 €
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Hydrochloric Acid (CLH) [EUDT-CLH]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Hydrochloric Acid (CLH)
    Ref.: EUDT-CLH
    RS485 Detector by electrochimical sensor for hydrochloric acid detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: Chemical industries, bin, fumigators, printed circuits and semiconductors, refrigeration, mills, pools, textile industry and leather tanning. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) [EUDT-SH2]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
    Ref.: EUDT-SH2
    RS485 Detectors by electrochimical sensor for hydrogen sulfide detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: Chemical industries, wastewater and tunnels. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Oxygen (O2) [EUDT--O2]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Oxygen (O2)
    Ref.: EUDT--O2
    RS485 Detector by electrochimical sensor for oxygen detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: wineries, food processing, silos, glasshouses, incubators, mining operations, nuclear industry and wastewater. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland. IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    339.14 €
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) [EUDT-NO2]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
    Ref.: EUDT-NO2
    RS485 Detector by electrochimical sensor for nitrogen dioxide detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: Underground parkings, transport interchanges, tunnels... IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    493.29 €
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Carbon Monoxide (CO) [EUDT--CO]
    DURÁN® Electrochemical Eurodetector for Carbon Monoxide (CO)
    Ref.: EUDT--CO
    RS485 Detector by electrochimical sensor for carbon dioxide detection. Developed for its use with DURGAS™, EUROSONDELCO and SIEMENS CC62P. Main applications: Underground parking, tunnels, industry. IP65. Cable input through PG9 self-blocking cable gland IP67.
    V.A.T. included
    320.17 €
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